China and Russia have overtaken the US in the hypersonic missile race

Wang Yi, China foreign minister,Pakistan-China Economy,Russia Moon mission,hypersonic missile,South China Sea,hypersonic weapons,US newspaper Today,UK

A hypersonic missile is difficult to detect by radar and satellites and cannot be targeted by anti-missile weapons: US newspaper reports.

China and Russia have overtaken the US in the hypersonic missile race. 

According to the American newspaper report, the United States has already fallen behind its competitors in the race for missiles that travel twenty times faster than the speed of sound. 

The paper says that powers such as China and Russia have hypersonic missiles that can be a threat to the strategic balance in the world, so hypersonic missiles are a channel for the superiority of US defense systems. 

According to the paper, the hypersonic missile is difficult to detect by radars and satellites and even anti-missile weapons cannot target it. 

The report also said that Chinese hypersonic missiles in the South China Sea could defeat the defenses of the US military fleet, while US development of long-range hypersonic weapons slowed down this year after several test flights failed. It looks like it's falling to me.