Russia sent its first mission to the moon in nearly 50 years

Russian space agency Roscosmos,presence of water,AFP news,Luna 25,Soviet Union,spacecraft,Western countries,Ukraine,Vladimir Putin,united states,INDIA

Russia has sent its first exploratory mission to the Moon in nearly 50 years to detect the presence of water. 

According to the AFP news agency, this is Russia's first mission to send Luna 25 to the moon since 1976. 

It should be noted that the Soviet Union was the first country to enter the world of space, after which other countries launched their missions. 

Luna 25 was launched into space at 02:10 local time on Friday, with a live view from the Russian space agency Roscosmos. 

The spacecraft will enter lunar orbit for five days, after which it will land at the South Pole for three or seven days and determine the exact location. 

Alexander Blokhin, the head of Ras Kosmos, said in a recent interview that for the first time in history a mission will land on the south pole of the Moon, so far every mission has landed on the equator. 

A space agency official told AFP the probe will land on the moon's surface around August 21. The Russian space agency says the mission will stay on the moon for a year, collecting samples as well as observing the Earth. will also conduct long-term research. 

It is the first mission of the Russian lunar program, which was launched at a time when the Russian space agency lost partnership with Western countries due to disputes over Ukraine. 

Russian cosmologist Vitaly Igorov says that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia tried for the first time to send its own mission into space. 

Vitaly Igorov called this mission very important for Russia and said: "The big question is, will it be able to land on the surface of the Moon?" 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his determination to continue the space program despite the sanctions. 

At one point last year, President Putin said that when the Soviet Union sent the first man into space in 1961, the situation between East and West was very tense at the time.