385 Pakistani rescued in traffickers warehouse raids in Libya

human traffickers,eastern Libya,Pakistani citizens,Al-Khair area,Libyan city of Tabruk,Pakistani migrants,Europe,smugglers,Gigi Hadid,Karl Marx,TAIWAN
Raids hit warehouses of human traffickers in eastern Libya

385 Pakistanis rescued during raids on warehouses of human traffickers in Libya. 

The foreign news agency reported that the raids were carried out on human traffickers' warehouses in eastern Libya, where people were hiding. 

The Pakistani citizens were freed from smugglers' warehouses in Al-Khair area, about 8 kilometers south of the eastern Libyan city of Tabruk, on Monday morning, the report says. Among them there are also children, who were sent to the nearby police station. 

According to officials, the Pakistani migrants arrived in Libya with the intention of going to Europe, but were arrested by smugglers and demanded a ransom for their release.