Karl Marx who lives in the mountains without electricity and gas


Electricity, internet and mobile phones have made human life easier. In its absence, man's contact with the world breaks down, but there are still people who make distant mountains their home. 

72-year-old Fabrizio Cardinali from Italy has been living in a mountainous region for about 51 years. They use neither electricity nor gas, but are still happy with their lives. 


With his white beard, Fabrizio Cardinali looks like Karl Marx, the poet Walt Whitman and Santa Claus. 

Fabrizio Cardinali tried to separate himself from the world, but those problems did not make him believe that his choice was wrong. 


Fabrizio Cardinali has not used electricity for almost half a century and does not worry about the energy crisis. 

He used to live all alone, now two other people live with him. 

Annies (35) moved in two years ago, while Andrea (46) visits her mother at weekends.


Fabrizio Cardinali's livelihood consists of growing fruit and vegetables and extracting olive oil. 

Some consider Fabrizio Cardinali to be an outcast, but he believes he is not an outcast. 

Fabrizio Cardinali believes that the best life can be lived in small communities. 


His advice to people is to “get rid of the so-called smartphone”. 

Fabrizio Cardinali occasionally travels to the surrounding area. Meet your friends, extract oil from olives the traditional way, meet people and even consult a doctor.
