Modi BJP is Beti Jalao Party, woman criticizes Indian PM over Manipur incident

Manipur incident,stretcher in the hospital,Christian Kuki,Hindu Meti tribe,BJP leader N Byron Singh,Narendra Modi,Beti Jalao Party,Indian media,women
After the video went viral, human rights organizations across India protested against this humanitarian incident. 

A woman has called Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) a "Beti Jalao Party" in the Indian state of Manipur after two women were raped and stripped naked. 

After video of two women parading naked during caste riots in Manipur went viral, human rights organizations across India are protesting the inhumane incident. 

Indian media is silent on the language riots in Manipur, but heartbreaking videos pop up on social media from time to time. 

Against the misconduct and violence against two women in Manipur, an Indian woman called Modi's BJP a "Beti Jalao Party". 

The woman reportedly attacked Narendra Modi during the protest and criticized Modi's silence on the incident, calling the Indian prime minister blind, dumb, deaf and insensitive. 

Apart from this, former famous actress and BJP MP Hema Malini also condemned the incidents of violence against women in India and highlighted the measures to prevent it. 

According to Indian media, women set fire to the house of the main suspect involved in the gang rape of two women in Manipur. 

Police say they received a report in May that they attacked and torched Kuki tribe homes, stripped two women naked and gang-raped them. 

Who are the rioters in Manipur? 

Clashes between the majority Métis and minority Kuki tribes in the Indian state have so far left more than 100 people dead and hundreds injured, with several churches, government offices and homes torched. 

Extremist Hindu party BJP leader N Byron Singh has been the chief minister of the state since 2017 and 53% of the state's population belongs to the Hindu Meti tribe, while the Christian Kuki minority tribe has 16% population in the state.