Factors other than diet that affect sugar levels


Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires the patient to follow a number of preventative measures to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. affect the 

1) sleeping 

Sleep patterns affect many body processes, including blood sugar levels. According to research, lack of sleep can impair glucose control and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes. Lack of sleep can also cause other factors, such as stress, to worsen blood sugar levels. 

2) stress 

Stress is more harmful than you think. Stress can leave you vulnerable to a number of serious health problems. If sugar levels are not controlled, they can be debilitating and deadly. 

3) Physical activity 

When you are physically inactive, your blood sugar levels rise. Therefore, regular exercise is an essential part of diabetes treatment. 

4) dehydration 

Drinking too little water can be harmful to blood sugar. When you drink less water, your blood sugar becomes more concentrated, which is known as hyperglycemia. 

5) Specific remedies 

Many medications are known to treat various health conditions, but sometimes they can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetics should consult a doctor before taking any medicine.