Bipper Joy destroys coastal areas of India, danger averted in Pakistan


Thousands of citizens have been evacuated from the coastal areas of India and Pakistan due to the threat of Cyclone Bipper Joy. The cyclone wreaked havoc in coastal areas of India, but officials say danger has been averted in Pakistan. 

The cyclone hit the coast of India's Gujarat state, causing damage from heavy rains in some areas, but no casualties were reported. See photos.


Pakistan's Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said Cyclone Bipar Joy was fully prepared for the expected impact, but Pakistan had been spared its intensity. 


According to Sherry Rehman, the coastal areas of Sindh, including Sajawal, were flooded due to high sea waves, but most of the people were shifted to safer places. 


According to Sherry Rehman, many people's homes in the coastal areas have been affected and the situation is being assessed before they are sent home. 


Cyclone Biparjoy wreaked havoc on India's coastal areas on Friday, but the intensity of the storm was low. Murtivanjay Mohapatra, director of the meteorological department, said the storm has now moved from sea to land and its intensity has decreased. 


Due to strong winds and rain, trees and power poles fell in coastal areas of Gujarat state, and power was also cut off in many areas. 


In some coastal areas of India, the cyclone damaged the population, but the authorities moved the citizens to camps due to extensive security measures. 


More than 100,000 people have been evacuated from the affected areas in Gujarat state. 

Bipper Joy,Storm,Cyclone Bipar Joy,India,Gujrat,NEWS,Pakistan,Thatta,Climate Change,sea waves,wreaked havoc,coastal areas of India,NEPAL,BANGLADESH,UK

The Indian Meteorological Office said that Bipper Joy has been downgraded from "Very Severe" to "Serious" due to its impact in coastal areas.