Black and Asian people face racial discrimination in the UK

When asked if it was easier to live in the UK if you were white, 48% of white Britons answered yes. 

White and Asian people in the UK are more likely to face racial discrimination in their everyday lives, according to a new study. 

According to a report by The Metro, the British institute British Future has conducted research into public attitudes towards race, identity and prejudice. 

As part of the research, opinions were obtained from 2,500 people, of whom at least 100 belonged to the linguistic minority. The survey was conducted between March and April by an organization called Focal Data. 

Although 80% of people from minority language groups say the UK is a better place to live than the US, Germany and France, they face racial discrimination in the UK every day. 

When British respondents were asked whether Britain was a better place for minorities to live than other Western countries, 73% said yes. 

Only 27% of respondents said the UK was no better off. When asked if it is easier to live in the UK if you are white, 48% of white Britons said yes, while 60% of people from minority language groups said yes. answered yes. 

More than 50% of respondents said Britain's political and media culture was too divisive. 

When asked about Britain's progress on race issues over the past 25 years, 68% of people belonging to linguistic minorities said the country had made significant changes, compared to 71% of whites. 

However, 64% of white British voters and 80% of minority voters said Britain should make more progress on race issues over the next 25 years.